Kamis, 29 Mei 2008

Pengantar SAP


Pengantar SAP

SAP merupakan software yang banyak dipakai di perusahaan besar untuk mendukung integrasi proses bisnis. Lima tahun terakhir, di perusahaan negara-negara Asia, termasuk Indonesia, sedang gencar-gencarnya mengimplementasikannya. Software buatan Jerman ini telah lama dipakai di perusahaan besar Eropa dan Amerika. Seperti diberitakan Detik.com beberapa hari lalu, tahun ini, SAP juga menyiapkan paket khusus untuk perusahaan level menengah ke bawah (baca UKM). Dengan penambahan area supporting SAP, akan menambah pangsa pasar SAP dan juga membuka peluang tenaga kerja bagi dunia IT.

Di Indonesia, banyak perusahaan besar yang telah mengimplementasikan SAP, misalnya Astra International, Toyota Astra Motor, Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia, Bentoel Prima, United Tractor, Daihatsu Motor, Pertamina, Aqua, Telkomsel, Auto 2000, Blue Bird dan masih banyak perusahaan lagi yang tidak mungkin disebutkan satu persatu. Modul yang diimplementasikan tiap perusahaan pun beragam. Ada yang hanya memakai untuk keperluan area tertentu seperti Financial Accounting saja atau Sales and Distributon saja, namun banyak pula yang mengintegrasikan beberapa modul.

Scope integrasi, harga license tiap user SAP yang relative mahal, biaya consultan yang lumayan dan tingginya ‘kutu loncat’ SDM SAP, menyebabkan tidak semua perusahaan ‘berani’ memakai solusi SAP. Bagi Anda yang baru di dunia IT, tentu belum banyak mengenalnya. Kami sajikan sekilas pengenalan SAP untuk menambah informasi Anda. Diharapkan setelah membaca materi berikut, Anda dapat mengetahui apa itu SAP, Modul-Modul dalam SAP, Integrasi SAP dan proses bisnis yang bisa dilakukan oleh SAP.

  1. masbukin-sap.zip
  1. Acrobat PDF Reader
  2. Download Full ArchiCAD Free Student & Teacher Version in your language with Tutorials!
  3. Vb Database Projects Find Solutions for your Business. Free Reports, Info & Registration!
  1. Pengantar RSS
  2. Pengantar Pemrograman QT dan KDE
  3. Pengantar Java Script
  4. Membangun Web Bisnis Dengan Frontpage 2000
  5. Multimedia Instructional Design - Pengantar
  6. Pengantar IPv6 dan Implementasinya Pada FreeBSD
  7. Pengantar Softcomputing
  8. Berita Online Menggunakan Media RSS Pada J2ME MIDlet
  9. Matematika Biner
  10. Pengantar SWT (Standard Widget Toolkit)

Minggu, 25 Mei 2008

Yamaha DTXpress IV Special


Yamaha DTXpress IV Special Electronic Drum Set Features:

  • DTXpress IV module
  • 3 TP65 single-zone pads
  • TP100 3-zone snare pad w/controller knob
  • PCY150S 3-zone ride
  • cymbal pad
  • 130SC 3-zone cymbal pad
  • PCY130 single-zone Cymbal pad
  • RHH130 stereo hi-hat
  • Controller
  • HH650 hi-hat stand
  • Rack
  • Polyphony: 32-note
  • Voices: 427 drum & percussion, 22 keyboard/effects
  • Drum kits: 50 preset, 20 user
  • Songs: 63 pre-recorded, 20 user
  • Dual voice capability
  • Effects: Reverb x 16 types, master EQ
  • Trigger
  • Trigger setups: 7 preset, 4 user
  • Pad controller: snare adjust, tuning, tempo
  • Pad functions: drum kit INC/DEC, Click set INC/DEC, Tempo INC/DEC, Click ON/OFF
  • Pad songs: Start/Stop, Chase, Cut Off, 3 simultaneous songs
  • Sequencer
  • Note capacity: 16,000
  • Note resolution: 96 PPQ
  • Track: 1
  • Songs: 3 demo, 41 practice songs, 19 pad songs, 20 user
  • Metronome
  • Tempo: 30-300BPM, tap tempo
  • Beat 1-9
  • Timing: Accent, quarter note, eighth note, sixteenth note, triplet
  • Click sound sets: 6 preset, 1 user
  • Click presets: 30
  • Click timer: 0-600 seconds
  • Connectors:
  • Trigger inputs: 8
  • Outputs: L/Mono, Right
  • Headphone jack, Aux in
  • MIDI out

Sabtu, 24 Mei 2008

Bill Gates

Facts : Bill Gates

1. Bill Gates earns US$250 every SECOND, that's about US$20 Million a DAY and US$7.8 Billion a YEAR!

2. If he drops a thousand dollar, he won't even bother to pick it up bcoz the 4 seconds he picks it, he would've already earned it back.

3. The US national debt is about 5.62 trillion, if Bill Gates were to pay the debt by himself; he will finish it in less then 10 years.

4. He can donate US$15 to everyone on earth but still be left with US$5 Million for his pocket money.

5. Michael Jordan is the highest paid athlete in US. If he doesn't drink and eat, and keeps up his annual income i.e. US$30 Million, he'll have to wait for 277 years to become as rich as Bill Gates is now.

6. If Bill Gates was a country, he would be the 37th richest country on earth.

7. If you change all of Bill Gate's money to US$1 notes, you can make a road from earth to moon, 14 times back and forth. But you have to make that road non-stop for 1,400 years, and use a total of 713 BOEING 747 planes to transport all the money.

8. Bill Gates is 40 this year. If we assume that he will live for another 35 years, he has to spend US$6.78 Million per day to finish all his money before he can go to heaven.

Last but not the least: If Microsoft Windows' users can claim US$1 for every time their computers hang because of Microsoft Windows, Bill Gates will be bankrupt in 3 years !!!!!!! !!!!


Kamis, 22 Mei 2008


Earth is the only planet on which water can exist in liquid form on the surface. Antarctica is the highest, driest, and coldest continent on Earth.

The dormant volcano Mauna Kea (on the BigIsland of Hawaii) could be considered the tallest mountain in the world. If you measure it from its base in the Hawaiian Trough (3,300 fathoms deep) to its summit of 13,796 feet, it reaches a height of 33,476 feet.

Earth is referred to as the BLUE PLANET. WHY? Because from space, the oceans combined with our atmosphere make our planet look blue.

The world’s deadliest recorded earthquake occurred in 1557 in central China, more than 830,000 people were killed.

The World’s largest hot desert is the Sahara in North Africa, at over 9,000,000 km², it is almost as large as the United States.

Earth travels through space at 66,700 miles per hour.

Mount Everest 8850 meter (29035 ft) Nepal/China is the tallest mountain.

The sunrays reached at the earth in 8 minutes & 3 seconds.

Only 11 percent of the earth’s surface is used to grow food.

The coldest temperature ever measured on Earth was -129 Fahrenheit (-89 Celsius) at Vostok, Antarctica, on July 21, 1983.

About 70% of the world’s fresh water is stored as glacial ice.

Only 3% water of the earth is fresh, rest 97% salted. Of that 3%, over 2% is frozen in ice sheets and glaciers. Means less than 1% fresh water is found in lakes, rivers and underground.

The warmest sea in the world is the Red Sea, where temperatures range from 68 degrees to 87.8 degrees F depending upon which part you measure.

The hottest planet in the solar system is Venus, with an estimated surface temperature of 864 F (462 C).

Angel Falls in Venezuela is the worlds highest waterfall, The water of Falls drops 3,212 feet (979 meters).

Asia Continent is covered 30% of the total earth land area, but represent 60% of the world’s population.

The total surface area of the Earth is 197 million square miles.

El Azizia in Libya recorded a temperature of 136 degrees Fahrenheit (57.8 Celsius) on Sept. 13, 1922 - the hottest ever measured.

A 1960 Chilean earthquake was the strongest earthquake in recent times, which occurred off the coast, had a magnitude of 9.6 and broke a fault more than 1000 miles (1600 kilometers) long.

who's hands?

A basketball in my hands is worth about $19.
A basketball in Michael Jordan's hands is worth about $33 million.
It depends whose hands it's in.

A baseball in my hands is worth about $6.
A baseball in Roger Clemens' hands is worth $4.75 million.
It depends on whose hands it's in.

A tennis racket is useless in my hands.
A tennis racket in Andre Agassi's hands is worth millions.
It depends whose hands it's in.

A rod in my hands will keep away an angry dog.
A rod in Moses' hands will part the mighty sea.
It depends whose hands it's in.

A slingshot in my hands is a kid's toy.
A slingshot in David's hand is a mighty weapon.
It depends whose hands it's in.

As you see now, it depends whose hands it's in.
So put your concerns, your worries, your fears, your hopes, your dreams, your families and your relationships in God's hands because...
It depends whose hands it's in.

Rabu, 21 Mei 2008

rafting on citarum

just fun but sure and enjoy